Fertility test: Emotional well-being test

Answering the questions in this fertility test will give you a clearer idea as to if there are psychological or emotional factors that are having an effect on your life in general and therefore your chances of conceiving.

Take this "Fertility test: Emotional well-being test" to assess your emotional state.

Fertility Test

Fertility test: Emotional well-being test

Answering the questions in this fertility test will give you a clearer idea as to if there are psychological or emotional factors that are having an effect on your life in general and therefore affecting your chances of conceiving.

Emotional well-being test

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When it comes to fertility and conception the function of the mind is not often understood but there is a link between the two. Things such as what type of personality you have, your capacity to cope with stress and your past experiences are only some of the numerous factors that can influence how your body works and functions.