Quiz: How to know if a shy guy likes you?

Shyness can be a big attraction for some girls, but it is difficult to work out if the person likes you when the shyness gets in the way. Just because someone is shy doesn't mean that they are hiding their feelings, they just find it difficult to express them. Many shy people would prefer the […]

Does he text a lot when you're not together?

Does he mess up his sentences when he tries to speak to you?

Is he always conscious about the way he acts or the way he looks around you?

Does he pay attention to you when you're in a group of friends?

Does he seem nervous around you?

Does he always suggest inviting you when he is going out with a group of friends?

Has there ever been a moment where you've caught each others eyes?

Do you get the impression that he wants to tell you something but then he can't?

As soon as he has done something exciting, are you the first person he wants to tell?

Does he seem to open up more when he's not with his friends?

Does he laugh and smile all the time when he's with you?

Does he talk to his friends about you

Quiz: How to know if a guy likes you?

Quiz: How to know if he really loves you

Shyness can be a big attraction for some girls, but it is difficult to work out if the person likes you when the shyness gets in the way.

Just because someone is shy doesn't mean that they are hiding their feelings, they just find it difficult to express them. Many shy people would prefer the other person to make the first move. But once that first move has been made they usually come out of their shell and express their feelings more openly!

I know you don't want to ask them straight out as that will make their shyness reappear. But we have a solution! The "how to know if a shy guy likes you" test! Take the test and find out if your shy guy is in to you or not.

Shyness can be a bit of a problem, but as soon as you know if they like you or not you can make the first move and expand your relationship to the next level!

Don't hesitate and take the test right away!